Join 400+ new & aspiring tarot readers in this success club for tarot readers
The first tarot training that will help you to read tarot confidently in less than 30 days...without memorization
spreads & support For Only $7/MONTH
Most teachers charge anywhere from $97 to $497 per month for this kind of value.
But I decided to create a membership that any aspiring tarot reader could afford for just $7/month
Here is what you've been told to do when trying to learn how to read tarot...
  • Memorize all the meanings for all the cards... (but there's just so many different interpretations you end up feeling MORE confused.)
  • Memorize meanings for reversals... (but how are you going to do that when you haven't been able to memorize the upright meanings of the cards?)
  • ​Be more psychic... (but how are you supposed to do that?!)
But OMG... you are exhausted, aren't you?
With all this memorization, when are you going to feel confident enough to do an actual reading?
Or you could use my tested signature process to learn tarot
and gain confidence in your tarot reading
Here is what happens when you do that:
  • You are able to learn tarot easily so that you feel confident when reading tarot accurately for yourself and others
  • ​You start to uplevel your intuitive connection and build a personal relationship with your tarot cards so that you can stop doubting yourself
  • ​You are able to connect to spiritual guidance to help you interpret the cards and uplevel your life
  • ​You can show up with confidence and authenticity because you have learned to trust your own inner guidance and know you are becoming the person you've always dreamed to be 
  • ​You begin to step into your magic, your intuition is heightened and you start to become aware of your natural ability to 'just know'
  • You are able to deliver accurate and helpful readings to yourself and others to create positive outcomes so that everybody gets to live their BEST life 
Hi There! I'm That tarot teacher who shows aspiring tarot readers how to trust their intuition and tap into their own magic. 
because I want that for you!
When I started out learning tarot, I was able to use the 5 years of personal and spiritual growth experience I had as a certified Health and Life Coach to become a
confident and accurate tarot reader.

But it wasn't always easy

Without step by step instructions I fell into some common pitfalls along my way to learning the Tarot. I didn't know how I could possibly memorize the vast numbers of meanings for the 78 Tarot Cards. And when I'd look in two different books, the cards would have EVEN MORE meanings...

After spinning my wheels trying to memorize each and every card... (to no avail...)
I finally realized 2 things:
There is no way to memorize all the meanings - and even if you could that's not HOW THE TAROT WORKS!

What it really takes to learn tarot is to begin building a relationship with each and every card. When you build that relationship WHILE DOING READINGS you supercharge your learning efforts.

And that’s when I finally realized:

I needed to start doing readings right away to build up my relationship and understanding of the cards!
Since then I have done more than 500 readings and
feel confident and accurate when delivering my messages.
But the formula doesn’t only work for me. It works for anyone learning how to read the tarot.
The intuition led High Priestess path
The exact steps to becoming a confident and accurate tarot reader
welcome to
The High Priestess Tarot School
Learn to read tarot fast and strategically.
Become a confident reader that delivers powerful and accurate readings with confidence and ease.
When you join the High priestess tarot school...
You get everything you need to quickly learn tarot and deliver accurate readings confidently.
You’ll get instant access to:
  • 9 bite-sized modules that provide you with step-by-step tarot training
  • ​Including all the worksheets and journals that you need to understand the cards
  • ​An ever-growing resource library with journals, workbooks, resources and planners
  • ​Access to the Private Facebook group for accountability, connection and support
  • ​Feedback on your progress in the Facebook group
  • ​2 Live Q&As every month
  • ​New spreads, and resources every month
Here's a sneak peak of what's inside...
Check out these amazing bonuses you get when you sign up today!
I am so convinced of the method and tools shared in this tarot school because they helped me to completely change the way I learned and read tarot.
I have a question for you...

You can fund a whole year of high priestess tarot school for less than that new tarot deck you've got your eyes on!
How would your tarot practice change if you could learn to read tarot confidently in the next 30 days?
👉The High Priestess Tarot School is for two specific people….

The aspiring tarot reader that wants to learn tarot fast and doesn't know where to start

A Tarot Reader that feels in a rut and wants to enhance their relationship with thier cards and feel excited and inspired again. 
If you can check one of these boxes, you’re in the right place!
If you’re asking yourself…
I already bought so many things
that didn’t help me and why do
I need the High Priestess 
Tarot School?
Then let me tell you this:
  • This is nothing like the things you’ve bought before 
  • ​This will help you to flip the switch from memorizing to building relationships
  • ​This will allow you to get the accountability, practice and feedback to become an even better reader 
  • ​This doesn’t only give you theory and knowledge it also gives you done-for you spreads, guides, journals and worksheets that you can use to stay organized an on task
  • ​You aren’t in this alone anymore. Be part of a supportive community of amazing people that are on the same journey.
  • ​There is no risk (7-day money back guarantee and you can cancel at any time)
This cost less than a couple cups of coffee at Starbucks but other than the coffee, this has the potential to change your whole life by helping you tap into the guidance you desire.
Frequently asked questions
Q: I am a beginner at tarot. Will this still work for me?
A: Absolutely! This program was designed to help you develop your skills and confidence weather you are a beginner, or you've been reading tarot for a while.
Q: I've been reading tarot for a while. Will I still find value?
A: YES, this program helps you to develop a deeper relationship with your cards and build confidence even if you've been reading for a while.
Q: Will this be beneficial if I don't have Facebook?
A: Yes! All modules are on a separate platform where you can work through the steps to learn tarot!
Q: When will I get access?
A: You will receive an email with all the details immediately after your purchase.
Q: What is the cancellation policy?
A: You can cancel at any time. After cancelling no future payments will be taken from your account.
Q: What if I have a specific question that is not addressed here?
A: Contact the team by emailing your question to:
© 2023 S Sink Coaching, LLC
PO Box 1651
Gillette, WY 82717-1651

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